Southampton and South West Hampshire
There are a number of organisations in your area which can provide transport for hospital appointments and/or visiting.
Good Neighbours:
Help With Transport Costs
If you (or a member of your family) are attending hospital for an appointment, you may be able to reclaim the cost of your transport to and from the hospital. You can claim if you receive Income Support, Family Credit or Disability Working Allowance.
You can claim using DSS form HC5, which is available from DSS offices, NHS hospitals, and any main Post Office. Remember to keep your tickets and receipt if you intend to make a claim.
Valerie Warren
Development Officer
Southampton Council of Community Service
02380 228291
Helen Jesty
Voluntary Care Group Advisor
(outside Southampton City Area)
(01962) 844644
Phil Mack Patient
Transport Manager
Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust
02380 825790
Voluntary and Public Transport
Southampton 02380 333197
New Forest 02380 282208
Southern Test Valley Voluntary Transport Scheme
02380 732174
Age Concern
New Milton Car Service
01425 638923
Community Care Services (Happy Returns)
02380 787874
Red Cross
Southampton 02380 333612
Lymington 01590 672641
01425 474278
Eastleigh 02380 902450
Southampton 02380 222289
Totton 02380 663154
Waterside 02380 243140
Public Transport
Information available by telephoning the County Bus Line on 0345 023067.
All calls charged at a local rate.